San Cisco- Concert July 1st 2017

I'm an avid reader of a Western Australian magazine entitled "Xpress Magazine." It's been feeding music, entertainment and news to people for over 30 years and I really wouldn't have discovered it, in all of its alternative glory if it hadn't of been for my parents.
So 3 days ago, I entered a competition through this magazine to win tickets to see San Cisco, a local Fremantle band who have managed to make quite a name for themselves. I try not to imagine winning competitions because I don't like to get my hopes up and then be left thoroughly disappointed but as I sat here, writing a different review, I received an email notification saying that I had won the competition. I was ecstatic. What was included in the prize? A double pass to see the band, a vinyl edition of their new album "The Water" and a t-shirt. What luck!
In an instant, I messaged my friend in capital letters asking her if she'd like to come down to the Astor Theatre with me to see them. Give or take two minutes and she was returning my message with a flurry of misspelt letters and exclamation marks. Having already seen them twice, she was keen to see them a third time.
With the temperature in Perth to be at 9 degrees celsius, I rugged up warm in a black and yellow ensemble and headed for the train. Ah, nothing like passing Canning Bridge station with a man possibly in his mid 20s reeking of B.O and Jack Daniel's trying to chat you up as you sit sticking out like a sore thumb on a semi-filled carriage. "It's not a good look, mate." I barely whispered, embarrassed before hopping off at Elizabeth Quay and waiting in the searing wind, barely sheltered by the station. Within minutes, my friend had arrived and we jumped on a bus ready for the concert.
Would just like to a say a massive thank you to the polite man on the back of the bus with us who gave directions for what stop to get off at. You're the best! At 5.30pm the box office wasn't open and no one was in sight. Even for a local band, this wasn't normal but maybe it's different for international bands. With $10 in my pocket, my friend and I decided to get something small to nibble on before returning back to the doors. When we finally did at 6pm, there was still no one in sight but the doors were open. Presenting myself as a competition winner, the box office lady stamped our hands and told us that the doors would open to everyone at 7pm, so until then, we would have to hang tight. $10 dwindled into $6.90 and even in the winter cold, I bought myself a frozen yoghurt to pass the time.
"Finally!" I exclaimed, as we walked back up the strip we had circled at least 15 times and saw a small crowd beginning to form a line at the door. Flashing our ID's at an 18+ event, our bodies began to leap a couple of inches off the ground as pure excitement kicked in. I suddenly remembered the t-shirt and vinyl part of my prize and went to collect it. I probably should have done what the lady advised and left my gear with her until after the concert, but me with a scatterbrain decided against it and waltzed through to the stage.
There was a small sized area with a few people standing, which should have been the first place we went to, but with freezing limbs that could have been broken off with a simple hi-five or accidental kick, we chose to sit down on the audience chairs.
At roughly 8pm, Boat Show, another local Perth band popped out on stage and began performing their set. I can only describe their performance as surreal and strange. Their music wasn't exactly something I'd listen to, but my friend and I got out of our seats and paraded to the mosh pit, ducking and diving between the ever-growing crowd. I'd describe this music as being influenced by Hole, but not quite living up to it and definitely something you could 80's dad-dance to, as I was doing (for laughs). When I had a good look at the band members, I noticed something familiar about the drummer. He had a face that I recalled seeing on someone else. Properly investigating, I realised that it was my a friend's ex-boyfriend's brother. I gasped so loudly that I choked. You don't see that every day.
By 9pm they were outta there and a singer less familiar to me, Thelma Plum emerged through the smoke machines and purple strobes. I wanted to punch myself in the face for not knowing who she was. Her appearance and voice somewhat reminded me of Kehlani (see Suicide Squad soundtrack 'gangsta') but taller and a voice more relaxed. She was beautiful and I couldn't help but sway to her combination of smooth and upbeat tracks. But the mellow environment from the mosh pit was rudely interrupted as 6 girls who ponged of fake tan and arrogance pushed their way through the crowd and proceeded to scream and dance to another rhythm. Their iPhones went up in the air and they even had the audacity to photobomb EVERY SINGLE PHOTO that a poor dude was taking of himself and his girlfriend. I was popped in the face a couple of times with an elbow and my friend pushed behind me with a selfish jab to the ribs. I wasn't the only one making exaggerated tuts and tsks and I prayed that they would keep to themselves and not ruin Thelma's shine on stage. I had prayed too soon, three girls in front of the others who were in no way affiliated, began complaining and yelling. Within a matter of two minutes, a bitch fight had ensued and I was stuck. Is it too much to ask for just a solid hour of enjoying someone's performance without a catty reaction from the crowd?
I applauded as hard as I could for Thelma with a vinyl and shirt under my arm. As the sound techies came back on stage to prepare for our main attraction, one of the 6 rude girls from before dropped. I'll let it be said, they didn't smell of alcohol (yes, I was that close that I could smell their breath, gross) but I'm almost 100% certain that they had popped a few pingaz before arriving. Hey, that's Perth yo. It happens.
There were visible exit signs close by but no no, despite being possibly brain dead on the floor, she refused to leave. 10 minutes before San Cisco appeared on stage, she got up and cooled her face with a can of Smirnoff.
Music in the background that wasn't a reggaeton time-passer began vibrating throughout the room and out emerged our boys and girl. Just as poor Jordi faced the crowd, someone pegged a can at his face. The beanie-wearing, can-tossing loser was publicly shamed and jumped on by the rest of the crowd, beanie set flying into the air and landing by my foot. Jordi took it well and made a laugh out of it and then resumed the performance.
I swear to god Jordi was looking at me occasionally. Why? Because at times I didn't know their lyrics and made up for it by smiling and dancing.
My favourite moment out of many favourite moments of the concert was when Jordi walked on stage by himself, without the rest of the band and performed "Waiting For The Weekend." This song is open to interpretation widely and so sentimental and gentle. I couldn't get enough of it. But another song they performed, "Wash It All Away" reminded me at parts of June Lodge's version of "Someone Loves You Honey." I was quite astounded by some of the similarities and that was just brilliant to see...or maybe I'm just a complete music nerd that finds influences in everything.
Then all of a sudden, they disappeared off stage with their bassist waving goodbye. "That can't be it...can it?" I asked my friend. She shrugged, "every time I've seen them, they just leave. Encores don't exist with them." But the stomping and the demanding of an encore brought them back on stage to perform a few more songs before they really did disappear for good. You know you're making it big time as a band when you start adding encores.
Didn't nab a setlist this time round either, I needed to pee really badly afterwards and would have missed the final bus of the night but no matter, it was a truly brilliant night. I would really like to thank Boat Show, Thelma Plum, San Cisco and Xpress magazine for this wonderful night and the opportunity to see these performances. Let's do it again!
*Definitely give all of these bands/ performers a listen because it's just a taste of Australia, more prominently Perth.