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British India- Concert October 26th 2017

What a treat it was to receive free concert tickets by doing nothing more than buying a shot of vodka at a club. A club that I frequent was having a special themed night dedicated to the scene kid and emo culture. By chance, I decided to treat my friends to shots and behind the bar, I noticed a bunch of tickets. Those were given to us for free with any drink purchased (regardless of the cost).

Pumped for yet another musical adventure this year, my friends and I climbed into the car and with the only CD available in the glovebox, sang terribly (on purpose) to Twenty One Pilots for the hour long journey.

Come later that evening, I was standing in the middle of Arcade Nightclub's dance floor like a complete foreigner with my friends.

It wasn't a club I had ever been to before, nor knew existed until the very moment we made the journey North.

When we entered through the gates to this club, our tickets were taken off us and my disappointed self did not want to let go of it. There wasn't any other way, aside from photographs, of gaining any keepsake. I hadn't even thought of bringing enough money for some merch.

I hadn't heard much of British India before this event. But with them a few feet away, I was pleased to hear of their musical influences by sound. Think of an Australian Green Day. While retaining their individuality, they certainly captured a punk vibe and while the crowd was small (due to distance and potentially their secrecy), they attracted some pretty alternative and grungy fans from 18 years through to 40.

If given the opportunity, I would definitely see them again. A great band of men with a delightful sense of humour and staying true to their Australian nature with the occasional 'shoey.'

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