Big Little Lies: Season One- Review

Big Little Lies is a bitchy, twisted and (quite honestly) pointless American drama that explores the lives of three women with their own troubled lives and children who seem to face the brunt of it.
Madeline, Celeste and Jane are the token mother's club. Their daily discussions over coffee and brunch at a seemingly perfect little beach-side cafe depict stories of affairs, quarrels, accusations and their perspectives on the married life. Perfect right? Wrong.
I had so many problems with this show. For starters, the episodes run for roughly 52 minutes each over the course of a total of seven episodes. It starts out as one of those build ups to something major but takes forever to actually get to that point.
I hated the cast members for their deliverance of each role. The bitchiness, lying, backstabbing and drama is just pointless. It's overused and that kind of entertainment can be seen at your local children's sporting facility or preppy primary school.
The show was a mess on a whole of trying to depict something mysterious, sexy and enticing. Unless you find actual crimes sexy and mysterious, then there's no gain here at all. It's distasteful.
Also, the children speaking with attitudes you'd see more commonly from sixteen year olds and trying to tell their parents how it's going to be is ridiculous. It's so unrealistic in the way that these mother's deal with their children and live their lives. Beautiful people, beautiful houses, bratty six year old children, nice husbands, bad husbands, no husbands and jogging on the beach all day...ooh yeah! What a life. As if unemployed women could suddenly move to the sandy beaches of Monterey and live in houses seen only in display commercials.
What was the only good thing about this show? The ending. Why? So it could hurry the hell up and end, but also because it finally closed in on the drama we had all been waiting for.
At my work, I saw so many middle-aged women buying this on DVD and claiming that it was just "so amazing!" Middle-aged women literally live off drama involving sex and betrayals with an edge of death.
There are a million things you could do with your time instead of watching this rubbish. Even reading the telephone book is a better aphrodisiac than what this show claims to be.
Score: 3.5/10.