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Black Mirror: Season Four- Review

In all of it's cryptic glory, outlining the end of the world and all human interaction via technology in subtle messaging, Black Mirror arrives back to jumble the thought process of each audience member with its fourth instalment. While still embracing its use of technology and presenting a somewhat not-so-distant future, this fourth season appears more sinister and bases itself more in the territory of humans destroying humans.

In this season, we are subjected to many different areas of human error that are not solely based on technological faults. Such examples include; manipulation, helicopter parenting, murder, virtual communication flaws and the extremes one would go to for love.

In true Black Mirror fashion, episodes are made to be thought provoking and inspire the viewer to consider the connection between ideas presented within the show and current events in the real world.

"Black Museum", the final episode of this season is my favourite for my reasons than one. There are many references to previous episodes in the series and so many references from the outside too. It's just so twisty, uncomfortable, quaint and brilliant.

It is still one of my favourite TV shows and I do hope that they will continue the creative process and pump out some more seasons that are equally as captivating and intelligent.

Score: 9/10.

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