Hyperfest- Concert February 24th 2018
I'll start by saying that In Heart's Wake and Dear Seattle were brilliant. Dear Seattle have this whole Silverchair vibe about them and despite the sun being at its peak during their set, I left my hat on the deckchair and raced out from underneath the canopy to sing along. To be perfectly honest, Hyperfest wasn't that much fun. I really only cared for the two bands above and it was a little rough having to wait 6 hours after Dear Seattle finished for In Heart's Wake. The bands in between I just couldn't get in to and I think for $39 that was a real shame.
Regardless, In Heart's Wake proved to be well worth the wait. We're talking strobe lights, free fruit given to members of the audience, good old Jake Taylor floating along the hands of the eager crowd in a blow-up raft and finally, confetti.
I think I'm sick though, probably caught something in the "beautiful" suburb this concert was held in...Middo.